Mariska Hargitay Reflects on Epstein, Weinstein and Her ‘SVU’ Milestone: “Everywhere, People Are Talking About Sexual Violence”

**Mariska Hargitay Reflects on Epstein, Weinstein, and Her ‘SVU’ Milestone: “Everywhere, People Are Talking About Sexual Violence”**

For more than two decades, Mariska Hargitay has played Detective Olivia Benson on *Law & Order: SVU*, the tough but empathetic face of justice for survivors of sexual violence. Her portrayal has made her a cultural icon and a fierce advocate for real-world victims, a role that has only grown in importance as society reckons with figures like Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein. In a recent interview, Hargitay reflected on the intersection of her work on *SVU*, the #MeToo movement, and her personal mission to shine a light on sexual violence.

### **A Legacy of Advocacy on and off the Screen**

Hargitay has long viewed her role on *SVU* as more than just acting. “It’s not just a TV show,” she explained. “It’s a platform, a responsibility.” As *SVU* became the longest-running primetime drama in television history, it also became a force for change. The show tackled harrowing real-life issues, shining a spotlight on the complexities of sexual assault cases and giving voice to survivors. But it wasn’t enough for Hargitay to only act; she felt a deep calling to do more.

In 2004, Hargitay founded the Joyful Heart Foundation, an organization dedicated to helping survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, and child abuse. “I started getting letters from survivors after the show aired,” she shared. “I knew I couldn’t ignore them. Their stories broke my heart, but they also ignited a fire in me to fight for change.”

### **Epstein, Weinstein, and a Shifting Culture**

The arrest and conviction of notorious predators like Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein have been watershed moments in the fight against sexual violence. Hargitay didn’t shy away from discussing the impact of these high-profile cases. “It’s like the world finally woke up,” she said. “These stories, these survivors—it’s not that they weren’t there before, but people are finally listening. And that’s the real shift.”

The cases against Epstein and Weinstein not only captivated the public but also underscored the systemic issues surrounding sexual abuse. For Hargitay, these revelations only further validated the work she had been doing through *SVU* and Joyful Heart. “These cases reflect exactly what we’ve been showing on the show for years: the abuse of power, the silencing of victims, the trauma that ripples through every facet of a survivor’s life.”

### **Breaking the Silence and Reaching a Milestone**

Hargitay is quick to note that the conversation about sexual violence is far from over, but she sees hope in the changes she’s witnessed. “When *SVU* started, talking about these issues was taboo,” she recalled. “Now, everywhere I go, people are talking about it—survivors, advocates, lawmakers. That’s how change happens.”

Her portrayal of Olivia Benson has helped shift cultural perceptions of law enforcement’s role in handling cases of sexual violence. Benson is a compassionate and relentless advocate for victims, and Hargitay embodies that same spirit in real life. She has used her platform to address the backlog of untested rape kits, raise awareness about victim advocacy, and push for legal reforms that protect survivors.

### **A Personal Reflection**

As *SVU* celebrated its milestone of being the longest-running primetime drama, Hargitay took a moment to reflect on what the journey has meant to her personally. “It’s been 25 years, and I’m still as passionate as ever. Olivia Benson has changed me in ways I could never have imagined,” she shared. “She’s made me more empathetic, more aware, and more determined to keep fighting for justice.”

Hargitay’s connection to her character runs deep, but so does her connection to the survivors she meets through her advocacy. “The stories of Epstein and Weinstein—those are the stories of thousands of other survivors who don’t make the headlines,” she said. “And those are the people I fight for every day, both on and off the screen.”

### **Looking Ahead**

For Hargitay, the work is far from over. “We’ve come a long way, but there’s still so much more to do,” she said. “The conversation is finally happening, but we need to keep it going. We need to ensure that survivors know they are not alone, that justice is possible, and that change is real.”

As the world continues to grapple with stories of abuse and injustice, Mariska Hargitay remains a powerful voice for the voiceless, using her fame and platform to make a lasting impact. Through *SVU*, the Joyful Heart Foundation, and her unyielding advocacy, she’s not only portraying a hero—she’s becoming one.