10 Of Archie Bunker’s Most Politically Incorrect Comments

The iconic TV series All in the Family aired on CBS from 1971 to 1979, introducing the world to the infamous Archie Bunker, portrayed brilliantly by Carroll O’Connor. Known for his unabashed opinions on everything and everyone, Archie’s comments would undoubtedly go viral in today’s hyper-politically correct cancel culture, sparking outrage and calls for resignations across the board. But before taking offense at this list of Archie’s most outrageous remarks, consider creator Norman Lear’s intentions. Through Archie, Lear tackled taboo topics, aiming not to ridicule minority groups but to highlight and satirize Archie’s narrow-mindedness.

By allowing Archie to voice his tirades, Lear created a platform for marginalized voices of the early 1970s—women, Black people, and the LGBTQ+ community—to challenge Archie’s outdated views. Remarkably, All in the Family addressed issues like transgender identity decades before they became mainstream conversations, making the show both revolutionary and reflective of its time.

As you revisit Archie’s “wisdom,” remember that his words were meant to provoke thought and discussion rather than cause harm.

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10. Archie Bunker on Equal Rights for Women

When neighbor Irene Lorenzo complains about not earning equal pay, Archie insists, “After all, it’s a well-known fact that men are worth more than women,” backing it up with, “In the Bible it says God made man in his own image. He made women after, from a cheaper cut.” Learning Irene earns the same wage as he does, Archie exclaims, “Equality is unfair… What’s the point of a man working hard all his life, trying to get someplace, if all he’s gonna do is wind up equal?!”

9. Archie Bunker on Racial Equality

Archie doesn’t want the Jeffersons, a Black family, moving into his neighborhood. When called out by his daughter Gloria and son-in-law Mike, Archie explains, “I’m just looking out for No. 1,” deeming Mr. Jefferson “No. 2.” Gloria challenges him, asking about Puerto Ricans, to which Archie responds, “Well, no, not necessarily… your Puerto Ricans could be 4. Your Japs and your Chinks could be 3… 3A, 3B.”

8. Archie Bunker on Vegetarianism

Upset over rising meat prices, Gloria suggests becoming vegetarians. Archie retorts, “It ain’t natural. Man was put on this earth to eat meat,” claiming, “The Bible says so… all of them old Bible people were always eating meat… On special occasions, goats, lambs… whoever heard of sacrificing a head of lettuce?”

7. Archie Bunker on the American Melting Pot

In a debate about American history, Archie reflects on Lady Liberty welcoming immigrants: “Send me your poor, your deadbeats, your filthy… And all the nations sent them in here – they come swarming in like ants: the Spanish P.R.s, your Japs, your Chinamen, your Krauts and your Hebes, and your English fags. All of ’em come in here, and they’re all free to live in their own separate sections where they feel safe. And they’ll bust your head if you go in there. That’s what makes America great, buddy.”

6. Archie Bunker on Slavery

“If God had meant for us all to be together, he’d a put us together. But look what he done: he put you over in Africa and put the rest of us in all the white countries.” When his Black friend Sammy Davis Jr. quips, “Well, someone must have told him where we were ’cause someone came and got us,” Archie quickly asserts, “I was always dead-set against slavery,” prompting the group to sing “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.”

5. Archie Bunker on Gun Control

Archie gives Mike’s son a toy gun, sparking a debate. “The first amendment is the right to free speech,” Mike insists. Archie retorts, “Exactly! When you have a machine gun in your hand, you have the right to say whatever you want!” He even suggests arming passengers to prevent skyjacking, saying, “Just pass out the pistols at the beginning of the trip, and pick ’em up again at the end. Case closed.”

4. Archie Bunker on Cavemen

Archie argues against women in the workforce, claiming women were created “for making meals and babies,” citing cavemen. When Mike asks about cave women with long legs and skinny butts, Archie says, “Well, them the men would have to bring down with a rock.” Mike presses about short-legged, fat-butted cave men, and Archie replies, “Well they was probably your first fags.”

3. Archie Bunker on Evolution

Dismissing Mike’s belief in evolution, Archie says, “We didn’t crawl out from under no rocks, we didn’t have no tails, and we didn’t come from monkeys, you atheistic pinko meathead.”

2. Archie Bunker on Black Athletes

Archie discusses baseball, claiming the game changed with Jackie Robinson’s entry: “Your coloreds, as is well-known, they run faster, they jump higher, they don’t bruise so easy. And because of their jungle heritage, they see better – it’s great for night games.”

1. Archie Bunker on Opinions

During their first meeting, Archie and Mike debate Vietnam War protests. Archie asserts his right to his opinion but shuts down Mike’s, saying, “You are a meathead… dead from the neck up. Meat. Head.” Mike notes Archie’s idea of a free country is one where only he can speak freely, reflecting ongoing challenges in respecting differing viewpoints today.

In the end, All in the Family remains a poignant reminder of the power of satire to challenge societal norms and spark important conversations.