Sally Struthers broke her arm on the set of ”All in the Family”

Sally Struthers, beloved for her role as Gloria on All in the Family, brought plenty of laughs to the show with her knack for physical comedy. But behind those lighthearted moments, there were some painful mishaps. In a candid interview with the Chicago Tribune, Struthers shared a startling revelation: she actually broke her arm while filming the iconic sitcom. The accident occurred when she took a tumble down the Bunker’s staircase, a moment that went from comedic to downright painful in an instant.

“I’ve hurt myself a couple of times just doing All in the Family,” Struthers recounted. “I fell down the stairs one week and broke my arm.” This unfortunate incident happened right before filming was set to begin, but Struthers, ever the consummate professional, refused to let the injury halt production. Despite the pain, she soldiered on, performing in two shows with a fractured elbow. It wasn’t until after the second show that she was rushed to the hospital, where doctors finally put her arm in a cast.

However, the show must go on, and in the world of All in the Family, there was no room for a cast-wearing Gloria. The producers decided that the sight of Struthers in a cast might distract the audience, detracting from the show’s spontaneous humor. The solution? A rather unconventional one: they removed the cast just before filming and put it back on afterward. Struthers explained, “They were worried if they explained my broken arm on the show, the audience would be so concerned about it they would lose some of the spontaneity.”

For the duration of that episode, Struthers had to maneuver her injured arm carefully, trying to maintain the illusion that nothing was amiss. “I just sort of had to carry my arm around and hope nobody noticed,” she added. It was a testament to her dedication and the lengths she would go to keep the show’s momentum alive.

This story is not just a behind-the-scenes glimpse of All in the Family, but also a testament to Struthers’ resilience and commitment to her craft. Despite the pain, she managed to deliver the laughs, proving that sometimes, the show really must go on, even if it means carrying a secret injury.