Mariska Hargitay Shares the Heartfelt Story Behind Her Son August’s Name

**Mariska Hargitay Shares the Heartfelt Story Behind Her Son August’s Name**

Mariska Hargitay, the beloved star of *Law & Order: Special Victims Unit*, is known for playing the fierce and compassionate Olivia Benson. But behind the scenes, she plays an even more important role: that of a loving mother. Hargitay has always been open about her journey as a mother, and one of the most touching stories she has shared is how her firstborn son, August, got his name. It’s a story rooted in love, family legacy, and the deep emotions that come with parenthood.

### The Significance of Family Legacy

Born in 2006, August Miklós Friedrich Hermann has a name that’s full of meaning, deeply connected to both sides of his family. In interviews, Hargitay has shared that she and her husband, actor Peter Hermann, wanted their son’s name to honor their heritage and family history. The name “August” itself is both a nod to their cultural roots and a reflection of the timelessness they hoped to instill in their first child.

“August” wasn’t just chosen for its classic sound. Hargitay revealed that the name had always held a special place in her heart. In fact, she had been in love with the name long before she met Peter. It was a name she felt embodied strength and warmth, characteristics she hoped her son would carry with him throughout his life.

### The Influence of Peter Hermann

Peter Hermann, Hargitay’s husband, also played a significant role in naming their son. Hermann, who is of German descent, wanted a name that connected to his roots. The middle names, “Miklós Friedrich,” honor both sides of their heritage: “Miklós” from Hargitay’s Hungarian roots and “Friedrich” from Hermann’s German background.

For Hargitay, honoring family tradition was especially meaningful. As the daughter of Hollywood legend Jayne Mansfield and former Mr. Universe Mickey Hargitay, Mariska grew up surrounded by strong family ties. Naming her son August was a way of continuing the legacy of love and family connection she had always valued.

### The Journey to Motherhood

Hargitay’s journey to motherhood was not an easy one. She has openly spoken about the challenges she faced during her pregnancy with August. In an interview, she described how the birth of her son brought immense joy but also unexpected complications. She delivered August via an emergency C-section, and while the experience was intense, Hargitay reflected on it as a moment that deepened her bond with both her son and her husband.

Despite the difficulties, the actress has always considered motherhood her greatest role. “Being a mother is the most important thing I will ever do,” she once said. August’s birth not only marked the beginning of her journey as a mother but also represented the fulfillment of a lifelong dream.

### The Story Behind the Name

The name “August” carries an extra layer of sentimentality for Hargitay. In an emotional interview, she shared that she once read a book as a young girl in which the main character was named August. She fell in love with the name back then and carried it with her throughout her life, waiting for the day she could give it to her child. That dream came true when she and Peter welcomed their son into the world.

But beyond the personal connection, the name symbolizes new beginnings. August, often associated with the end of summer and the harvest, signifies the close of one chapter and the start of something fresh and full of promise. For Hargitay, becoming a mother marked the beginning of a new phase in her life, one filled with purpose, joy, and endless love.

### A Name with Heart

Hargitay’s choice to name her son August is a reflection of her deep connection to family, her respect for tradition, and her hopes for the future. It’s a name that resonates with strength and history, much like Hargitay herself. As a mother, she has shared with the world not just her experiences but the love and thoughtfulness behind every decision she makes for her children.

As August grows, the story behind his name will undoubtedly be a source of pride, a reminder of the love and intention with which his parents chose it. For Hargitay, it’s a name that represents everything she holds dear—her family, her heritage, and the unbreakable bond she shares with her son.

In the end, the story of August’s name is more than just a charming anecdote. It’s a heartfelt reflection of Mariska Hargitay’s journey through motherhood, her dedication to family, and the immense love she has for her son. And for fans of the actress, it’s yet another reason to admire the woman behind the beloved Olivia Benson.