5 hilarious Hoss episodes of Bonanza

Hoss Cartwright was the heart and soul of Bonanza. Actor Dan Blocker embodied Hoss perfectly, both in size and personality. Blocker’s kind nature and comic timing made it into many Bonanza episodes and were a big part of why the classic Western shot to the top of the ratings. Though Hoss and Dan didn’t quite match up intellectually, Blocker was a scholar and former teacher, there was plenty of overlap in other ways between actor and character.

Here are ten episodes that showc

1. Maestro Hoss

Hoss was as kind as he was brawny, but he was never the sharpest tool in the Ponderosa shed — and sometimes his kindness got him into trouble. The season eight episode “Maestro Hoss” opens with the middle Cartwright brother helping out fortuneteller Madam Marova, played by Zsa Zsa Gabor. Marova convinces Hoss that he has the potential to be a great musician, and even squeezes $178.50 out of him after giving him a violin. Most of the episode’s humor comes from the fact that Hoss is a downright vile virtuoso, to the point that animals retreat back into their holes at the sound of his screeching notes.

ase Hoss’ funny side. Do you have a favorite episode about the beloved middle Cartwright brother?

Hoss Cartwright was the heart and soul of Bonanza. Actor Dan Blocker embodied Hoss perfectly, both in size and personality. Blocker’s kind nature and comic timing made it into many Bonanza episodes and were a big part of why the classic Western shot to the top of the ratings. Though Hoss and Dan didn’t quite match up intellectually, Blocker was a scholar and former teacher, there was plenty of overlap in other ways between actor and character.

Here are ten episodes that showcase Hoss’ funny side. Do you have a favorite episode about the beloved middle Cartwright brother?

1. Maestro Hoss

Hoss was as kind as he was brawny, but he was never the sharpest tool in the Ponderosa shed — and sometimes his kindness got him into trouble. The season eight episode “Maestro Hoss” opens with the middle Cartwright brother helping out fortuneteller Madam Marova, played by Zsa Zsa Gabor. Marova convinces Hoss that he has the potential to be a great musician, and even squeezes $178.50 out of him after giving him a violin. Most of the episode’s humor comes from the fact that Hoss is a downright vile virtuoso, to the point that animals retreat back into their holes at the sound of his screeching notes.

2. Hoss and the Leprechauns

This famous Bonanza episode stands out as one of the oddest in the entire series. Hoss believes there are leprechauns on the Ponderosa, complete with green suits and gold. There are many funny scenes of Hoss trying to convince his family of what he thought he saw, plus Dan Blocker showing off his physical comedy abilities. Though there’s logical explanation for it all in the end, this isn’t the only Bonanza episode to deal with fantastical or supernatural elements.

3. The Flapjack Contest

Though sometimes Bonanza mixed humor with danger, this episode is just plain fun. It revolves around a Virginia City contest to see who can eat the most flapjacks and win the big $500 prize. Joe is eager to win the cash and enlists Hoss as a contestant. Hoss is happy to do it until he finds out that Joe has put him on a strict diet of “rabbit food” and water (no beer!) to get ready for the big day.

4. Three Brides for Hoss

Just a few months before she became nurse Christine Chapel (and the voice of the Enterprise computer) in Star Trek, Majel Barret stopped by the Ponderosa as a hillbilly mail-order bride for Hoss. The problem is, Hoss has no idea who she or the French mademoiselle Yvette Devereaux or the proper Bostonian Libby Spencefield are — even though they’ve all shown up to marry him! This episode has as many laughs as it does accents and plays up Hoss’ utter confusion to hilarious effect.

5. The Ponderosa Birdman

Comedian Ed Wynn guest stars in this episode as an inventor who has a dream to make humans fly. Hoss, being his naturally helpful and somewhat gullible self, volunteers to be the guinea pig testing out the new contraption. Unfortunately, the mechanism the professor cooks up is less of a flying machine and more just giant bird wings tied to Hoss’ arms. Hoss does manage to get airborne though, thanks to some strong winds and a boost from Little Joe.