Mariska Hargitay Reveals the ‘Odd Jobs’ She’s Had in the Past

Before Mariska Hargitay became one of television’s most beloved stars as Olivia Benson on *Law & Order: SVU*, she, like many actors, had to navigate the difficult world of odd jobs to make ends meet. In fact, Hargitay’s journey to stardom wasn’t paved with glamorous gigs or immediate success. Instead, it was filled with quirky and unexpected jobs that tested her resilience and shaped the unstoppable force she is today.

In interviews, Hargitay has been refreshingly candid about her struggles early in her career, sharing how she took on whatever work she could find to support herself while auditioning for acting roles. “I did everything under the sun,” she once revealed with a laugh. “I was a waitress, of course, which is almost a rite of passage for any actor in Los Angeles.”

But waitressing wasn’t the only thing keeping her busy. Hargitay took on a variety of temporary jobs, including working as a cashier at a restaurant and even a restaurant hostess. Though many actors might roll their eyes at the memory of such positions, Hargitay embraced the challenge. “These jobs build character,” she said. “They teach you patience, how to interact with people from all walks of life, and how to work hard. Every job I had, I took seriously.”

One of the more surprising odd jobs Hargitay held was working as a caterer. She would work events, setting up tables, serving food, and interacting with guests who often had no idea they were being served by a future Emmy-winning actress. “It was humbling, but it was also a great experience,” she admitted. “It gave me a window into a world of people who work tirelessly behind the scenes.”

Hargitay’s hustle didn’t end there. She also worked as a sales clerk in a boutique, where she learned the art of dealing with customers. This was particularly important for her, as it gave her a front-row seat to human behavior and psychology—valuable lessons that would later help her develop the emotional depth required for her role as Detective Olivia Benson. “I found myself observing people and their interactions,” she noted. “It was like acting school without the stage.”

The oddest job of all? Hargitay once participated in live events as a dancing elf! Yes, she donned a costume, complete with a pointy hat and shoes, and entertained crowds during Christmas-themed events. “I wasn’t above doing anything,” she confessed. “You’ve got to pay the bills, and you’ve got to stay focused on your goal.”

Through all these jobs, Hargitay never lost sight of her dream. She balanced her odd jobs with relentless auditions, and though she faced countless rejections, her persistence eventually paid off when she was cast in *Law & Order: SVU* in 1999—a role that would define her career.

Looking back, Hargitay has no regrets about her early struggles. “Every job I took, every rejection I faced, it was all part of the process,” she said. “It made me stronger and more grateful for where I am today.” Indeed, her odd jobs, from waiting tables to dancing as an elf, contributed to her tenacity and work ethic. It’s these very qualities that have helped Hargitay not only survive but thrive in the competitive world of Hollywood, transforming her into a household name and an inspiration for aspiring actors everywhere.

Hargitay’s story is a testament to the value of hard work, resilience, and never giving up on your dreams, no matter what odd jobs come your way.