Mariska Hargitay was pranked when she first met Mike Myers

**Mariska Hargitay Was Pranked When She First Met Mike Myers: A Hilarious First Encounter**

Mariska Hargitay, known for her powerful portrayal of Olivia Benson on *Law & Order: SVU*, has had her share of intense and dramatic moments on screen. But when it comes to her real-life interactions, sometimes the tone shifts from serious to downright hilarious. One of the most memorable moments in Hargitay’s off-screen life happened when she first met comedic legend Mike Myers, and it was anything but an ordinary introduction.

### A Meeting Full of Anticipation

Mariska Hargitay had long been a fan of Mike Myers, who is famous for his iconic roles in films like *Austin Powers*, *Wayne’s World*, and *Shrek*. His irreverent humor and ability to transform into quirky characters had earned him a place in comedy royalty. Hargitay, though an accomplished actress herself, was thrilled at the prospect of meeting Myers. Little did she know, their meeting wouldn’t go as smoothly as expected.

### The Set-Up: A Prank Waiting to Happen

When the moment came for the two stars to meet, Hargitay was excited, but Myers had something else in mind—a prank. Known for his playful personality both on and off the screen, Mike Myers saw this introduction as the perfect opportunity to show his comedic side. He decided to play a practical joke on Hargitay, who was completely unsuspecting.

As the story goes, Myers walked into the room, acting very seriously, almost cold. Hargitay, expecting the fun-loving Myers she’d seen on screen, was immediately taken aback. She couldn’t understand why the man she admired so much seemed distant and aloof.

### Hargitay’s Reaction: Confusion and Nerves

Caught off guard, Hargitay couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. Here was this comedy legend, someone she admired greatly, and he didn’t seem remotely interested in the interaction. She tried to engage him in conversation, but his responses were curt and nonchalant.

In interviews, Hargitay later shared that she felt “so confused” during the interaction. She wondered if she had somehow offended him, or if Myers simply wasn’t the warm, funny person she had imagined. The situation became so awkward that Hargitay started feeling a bit nervous, questioning whether this iconic comedian had taken an instant disliking to her.

### The Big Reveal: The Joke’s On Her

Just when the tension reached its peak, Myers couldn’t hold it in any longer. With a grin spreading across his face, he finally revealed the truth: it was all a prank. Hargitay, realizing she had been expertly duped, burst into laughter, both relieved and amused. The serious persona Myers had adopted was just part of the joke.

What made the prank even funnier was how completely Hargitay fell for it. Known for her strong instincts and ability to read people on *SVU*, she was floored by how well Myers had played her. The prank, in its simplicity, showcased just how powerful comedic timing and delivery can be. Myers had expertly reeled her in, creating an unforgettable moment that left both stars laughing in the end.

### A Hilarious Bonding Moment

After the prank was revealed, Hargitay and Myers bonded over the shared experience. She could see firsthand why Myers was so beloved for his ability to craft humor in unexpected situations. Their introduction, though unconventional, quickly evolved into a fun and friendly interaction that Hargitay would never forget.

In interviews, Hargitay has spoken about the encounter with fondness, praising Myers for his comedic genius even off the screen. Despite the initial confusion, she now looks back on the prank as one of the funniest moments of her career and a truly unique way to meet someone she admired.

### Conclusion: A Story That Captures Two Talents

The story of Mariska Hargitay being pranked by Mike Myers is a testament to both of their talents—her ability to navigate intense, emotional roles and his talent for finding humor in any situation. What began as an awkward and nerve-wracking introduction turned into a moment of shared laughter and mutual respect.

For Hargitay, this experience wasn’t just a chance to meet one of her idols, but a reminder that even the most serious professionals can have a sense of humor about themselves. And for Myers, it was an opportunity to showcase his signature wit in a spontaneous, real-life scenario, proving that his comedic instincts are just as sharp off-camera as they are on it.

In the end, the prank not only broke the ice but also created a memorable first meeting that both stars—and their fans—can smile about for years to come.