Mariska Hargitay’s Favorite Aspects of Playing Olivia Benson

Mariska Hargitay has portrayed the iconic character of Olivia Benson on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit for over two decades. Through her nuanced performance, she has created a character that resonates deeply with audiences around the world. For Hargitay, playing Benson is not just a job; it’s a calling. The role has allowed her to delve into complex narratives, explore a range of emotions, and impact society in profound ways. But what are the aspects of playing Olivia Benson that she loves the most? Let’s dive into the heart of her experience, exploring the elements that make this character a cherished part of her life and career.

First and foremost, Mariska Hargitay cherishes Olivia Benson’s strength and resilience. From the beginning, Benson has been depicted as a fierce and compassionate advocate for victims, a role that Hargitay connects with on a deep level. She has often spoken about how much she admires Benson’s ability to endure and thrive in the face of immense adversity. Playing such a strong character has been empowering for Hargitay, both personally and professionally. It has enabled her to embody a kind of courage that she hopes inspires viewers. “Benson is the ultimate survivor,” she once said, and it’s clear that this aspect of the character’s persona is one that resonates deeply with her.

Another favorite aspect of playing Olivia Benson is the character’s evolution over time. Hargitay loves that Benson is not static; she has grown, adapted, and become more complex as the series has progressed. This growth has allowed Hargitay to continually explore new dimensions of her character, keeping the role fresh and engaging even after so many years. From her early days as a passionate detective to her current role as the captain of the SVU, Benson’s journey has been one of personal and professional growth, resilience, and self-discovery. For Hargitay, this evolution reflects a true-to-life narrative that she finds both challenging and rewarding to portray.

Hargitay also treasures the emotional depth and complexity that comes with playing Olivia Benson. Unlike many television characters who are defined by a single trait, Benson is multifaceted—both strong and vulnerable, tough yet empathetic. This duality allows Hargitay to bring a wide range of emotions to the screen, from intense action sequences to heartfelt moments of connection with victims and colleagues. Hargitay has expressed her gratitude for being able to play a character who is so authentically human, someone who can be a hero but is also deeply flawed. This balance makes Benson relatable to audiences and gives Hargitay the freedom to showcase her full range of acting skills.

One of the most fulfilling aspects of playing Olivia Benson for Hargitay is the opportunity to give voice to the voiceless. Through Benson, Hargitay has become an advocate for survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, and child abuse. This role has had a profound impact on her own life, inspiring her to establish the Joyful Heart Foundation, which supports survivors and seeks to end the cycle of violence. Hargitay often speaks about how playing Benson has awakened her own sense of purpose, allowing her to use her platform to create meaningful change in the real world. For her, the line between actor and advocate has blurred in the best possible way.

Furthermore, Hargitay finds deep fulfillment in the relationships Benson has built over the years—both on and off the screen. From her professional partnerships with characters like Elliot Stabler, Amanda Rollins, and Fin Tutuola, to the deep and sometimes challenging personal connections she forms, these relationships add rich layers to Benson’s story. Hargitay enjoys portraying these bonds and loves the camaraderie that extends beyond the screen to her castmates. The chemistry she shares with her co-stars has become one of the most beloved aspects of the show, and for Hargitay, these relationships have been a source of both personal and professional joy.

Lastly, Hargitay appreciates the impact Olivia Benson has had on popular culture and on fans across the globe. Playing Benson has not only earned her numerous accolades, including an Emmy Award, but it has also placed her at the heart of a cultural conversation about justice, empathy, and resilience. She often shares stories about fans who approach her with gratitude, expressing how Benson’s strength gave them the courage to face their own battles. Knowing that her portrayal has touched lives in such a meaningful way is a source of immense pride for Hargitay. It’s clear that, for her, the character of Olivia Benson is more than just a role; it’s a powerful force for good.

In conclusion, Mariska Hargitay’s love for playing Olivia Benson comes from a deep place of connection, respect, and purpose. It is a role that has challenged her as an actress, fulfilled her as an advocate, and connected her to a global community. Through Benson, she has been able to explore the complexities of humanity, foster change, and inspire countless individuals. As Hargitay continues to bring Olivia Benson to life, it’s evident that this character will remain an enduring part of her legacy—and one that she holds closest to her heart.