‘Law & Order: SVU’: Mariska Hargitay Reveals Why She Has Stayed on the Series

Mariska Hargitay has become synonymous with *Law & Order: SVU*, having played Detective Olivia Benson for more than two decades. While many actors leave long-running shows to pursue new opportunities, Hargitay has remained steadfast in her role, captivating audiences season after season. So, what is it that keeps her anchored to the series that has become a defining part of her career? In a word: purpose.

Hargitay has often revealed that her decision to stay on *SVU* goes far beyond the typical motivations of fame or fortune. For her, the show represents something deeply personal. “I stay because the stories we tell matter,” Hargitay shared in an interview. “This show is more than just entertainment—it’s a platform for real issues that affect real people.” It’s that sense of mission that has kept her dedicated to the series, even as it pushes beyond its 24th season, breaking records and continuing to influence audiences worldwide.

From the beginning, *SVU* stood apart from other procedural dramas by focusing on cases involving sexual assault, child abuse, and domestic violence. These are topics that many shows shy away from, but for Hargitay, bringing these stories to light is the driving force behind her work. “These are stories that deserve to be told. Victims deserve to be heard,” she says. Her portrayal of Benson—a character who fights for justice for the most vulnerable—became more than just an acting job. It became a calling. Through her role, Hargitay has been able to embody compassion, strength, and hope, values she holds close to her heart.

Another reason for Hargitay’s enduring commitment to *SVU* is the unique connection she has built with her audience. Over the years, viewers have come to see Olivia Benson not just as a fictional character, but as a symbol of resilience and empowerment. Hargitay frequently receives letters from survivors of sexual assault and abuse, thanking her for representing them and making them feel seen. “The fact that people are finding healing through the show is incredibly powerful,” Hargitay explains. “I feel a responsibility to keep telling these stories, to keep being a voice for those who don’t have one.”

Her work on *SVU* has also inspired her activism off-screen. In 2004, Hargitay founded the Joyful Heart Foundation, an organization dedicated to supporting survivors of sexual violence. The foundation’s work has been instrumental in driving policy change and advocating for rape kit reform, further cementing Hargitay’s real-world impact. It’s this blending of her personal and professional life—where her role on *SVU* informs her activism, and vice versa—that has created a sense of fulfillment that she finds hard to walk away from.

Hargitay’s decision to stay on *SVU* is also rooted in her deep connection to the character of Olivia Benson. Over the years, Benson has grown from a tough, emotionally guarded detective into a compassionate and wise leader. For Hargitay, this evolution mirrors her own personal growth. “I’ve changed with her,” she says. “She’s taught me about empathy, about strength, and about what it means to fight for justice.”

Ultimately, Hargitay remains committed to *SVU* because it aligns with her values and passions. “I stay because the work isn’t done yet,” she reveals. “There are still stories to be told, still people who need their voices heard.” This unwavering sense of purpose is what makes her role on *SVU* not just a job, but a mission she continues to champion—one that has left an indelible mark on television and on the lives of millions of viewers. Through her portrayal of Olivia Benson, Hargitay has created a legacy of strength, empathy, and justice that will resonate for years to come.